I've checked configuration but can't find any settings let me choose file to send. I want to send all files (or recently updated like in version control). When I'm trying deploy to VPS WebStorm sends only one file - index.html. Questions & FeedbackI configure deployment setting in WebStorm to location on my VPS.
You will not have the application server integration, but can deploy the application to an application server using a run/debug configuration. Do one of the following: Open the Settings dialog box, and click Deployment, then click Options below the Deployment node. Here is the part of JetBrains instruction : To have files or folders excluded by name 1. For now Plugins using a GUI/UI Menu or what you call it are not working cuz rust disabled or forgot.I'm using PhpStorm and IntelijIdea, but the settings are common for all JetBrains Products. Select IntelliJ IDEA then Preferences (or use ⌘,)IntelliJ Rust: New Functionality for Cargo Features.
Update Util.java (change VERSION constant). Update plugin.xml (change version AND describe changes in change notes). /gradlew buildPlugin to build plugin artifact ( build/distributions/Sourcegraph.zip) /gradlew runIde to run an IDE instance with sourcegraph plugin installed•. Develop as you would normally (hit Debug icon in top right of IntelliJ) or using gradlew commands:•. Start IntelliJ and choose Check out from Version Control -> Git ->

Menu entries (Open file, etc.) are now under a Sourcegraph sub-menu. When on a branch that does not exist remotely, master will now be used instead. The search menu entry is now no longer present when no text has been selected. Added remoteUrlReplacements configuration option that allow users to replace specified values in the remote url with new strings.

Initial Release basic Open File & Search functionality. Added support for using the plugin with on-premises Sourcegraph instances. Fixed search shortcut Updated the search URL to reflect a recent Sourcegraph.com change.